‘Ponte Cura’ Celebrates the Conclusion of AZ Bioscience Week 2022
The Event: Ponte Cura: The Bridge to Cures
The Cause: AZ Advances
Event Date: September 30, 2022
Location: Private Residence
Honorary Co-Chairs: Elsa & Dr. Todd Abruzzo, Dr. Mitzi Krockover and Dr. Jacque Sokolov
Lead Sponsors: Millenia Music and AZ Bio
Entertainment: Michael Fitzpatrick and Will From Brazil
Caterer: Catering by Robert’s Catering
Decor: Flowers by Inspired Environments & Big Letters AZ
Notable Moments: The inaugural Ponte Cura reception was a beautiful celebration to culminate a successful Arizona Bioscience Week. The programs presented from September 26 to September 30 included the AZBio Awards, the White Hat Life Science Investor Conference and Voice of the Patient. Congratulations to all of the scientists, healthcare providers and community leaders who came together to learn and share together for the betterment of all.
To see more photographs from AZ Bioscience Week 2022, click here.